Seminar-consultation on increasing employees' legal education

03 july 2024

In order to raise the level of legal education of employees a seminar-consultation on the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the regulation of celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan" and on preventing young people from joining terrorist and violent extremist groups was held at the State unitary enterprise «Savings bank of the Republic of Tajikistan «Amonatbonk»».

At the first part of the seminar-consultation, Abdullozoda S.S, the main lawyer of the Department of methodology and retraining of employees presented the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the regulation of celebrations and ceremonies in the Republic of Tajikistan", which were amended to the audience and noted that they must be strictly observed.

All those presents were also given detailed information on the administrative and criminal liability for non-compliance with the requirements of this law.

In the continuation of the seminar-consultation Sattorzoda I, the Head of the Department of security and bad debt management talked about preventing the involvement of people in terrorist and extremist activities, and suggested that young people should be alert and smart to avoid falling prey to the deception and tricks of any extremist groups. Because the purpose of these groups is to influence the ideology of young people and to create and use their great power to achieve evil goals. The youth should appreciate peace in our independent country, and not to allow them to disrupt the peaceful life of the people.


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